How to Take the Stress out of Selling with Automation

Sales is a numbers game. The more prospects you approach with your offer, the more likely you’ll get sales. But this also means that you’re juggling several balls in the air at once.

One thing that helps to take the stress out of sales is automation. Since so much of what we do is now online, automated tools can take some of the work off your shoulders so you can focus on communicating and building strong relationships with your customers. 

Keeping Track of Customers with CRM 

You’re going to talk to a large number of prospects about your offer. You need to keep track of all of them and where you are in your relationship with them. A great automated way of doing this is to use a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software program. You can enter all your data about each individual person here, as well as every interaction you’ve had with them. Many CRM systems have other features as well that allow you to track results, schedule meetings, and more. 

Automate Emails with an Autoresponder

Another automated solution is to set up email sequences with an autoresponder program. Email is a great way to build and maintain your relationship with your audience. You can set up an email service where you send out educational emails that offer tips to help potential customers solve their problems. An autoresponder is a program that does this for you. All you need to do is write the emails, load them into the program, and schedule them out. 

Scheduling Sales Appointments on Autopilot

How about staying on top of your busy schedule? Automated scheduling tools can help here. You’ll have initial meetings and follow-ups to put on your calendar. You’ll also need a calendar you can take with you everywhere you go so that you can set up appointments. The great thing about web-based calendars is that you can access and edit them from anywhere. 

Tools to Automate the Purchase Process

There are many places along the customer’s journey where you can automate the sales process. One example of this is the shopping cart. Mobile purchasing offers another way to put buying on autopilot. Which aspects you can automate depend on the nature of your business, but when setting up your purchasing system, look for tools you can use. 

Hang on to the Human Touch

At the end of the day, you can’t automate everything. Since sales today is all about building strong relationships and opening up two-way communication, you’re always going to need the human touch. But if you can automate wherever possible, you can save your time and resources for what matters: meeting and getting to know your customers. 

Want to learn more? Check out my new course – SmartEssential Sales Skills. It teaches you the details of how to take the hard work out of selling and sell in a way that’s more natural for better results. Check it out here.

SmartEssential Sales Skills – Learn more or enroll today!


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